Meet our Steering Committee - Diana Vlies

What is your favorite beach/water activity?

Strolling along the boardwalk and relaxing by the beach is something I treasure. Anticipating the fireworks display following Shanty Days is one of the beach highlights for me.


 How long have you been involved with FOCB and what roles and activities have you participated in?

I have been officially involved with the FOCB since its second year, which was about nine years ago. My roles have included serving as the school liaison and subsequently as the library liaison. I have contributed to Soar on the Shore in various roles, such as setting up, cleaning, managing craft tables, operating the main tent, and most recently, I took on the role of activity chair for Soar. Additionally, I have participated in beach cleanups and organized school beach cleaning events.


What is important to you about our beach and water?

Algoma is fortunate to have a stunning beach, which serves as a source of income through tourism, charter fishing, and more, making it a sought-after destination. Clean water is essential to our survival. We, the Friends of Crescent Beach, are dedicated to maintaining a clean and safe beachfront.

Where else might people find you in town?

I am engaged with the public library and love walking around town. 

sara krouse