Contact Us
Or write us at PO Box 344 Algoma, WI 54201
To promote through advocacy, education and activities the improvement, support, protection and enjoyment of Crescent Beach.
Our vision is to see Crescent Beach transformed through government and citizen cooperation into a vibrant, healthy destination beach that is enjoyed by residents and visitors alike and recognized as a model for best beach management practices
FOCB activities include:
Mobilizing volunteers for boardwalk projects and summer beach cleanups.
Engaging in restoration initiatives to safeguard the beach against erosion and enhance wildlife habitats by planting native plants and combating the spread of invasive plants.
Delivering educational programs suitable for all age groups.
Collaborating with Algoma teachers to facilitate hands-on experiences and classroom-based environmental education sessions featuring expert speakers.
Assisting in grant applications, fundraising efforts, and contributing to donations for beach improvements.
Backing efforts that safeguard and enhance the Ahnapee River watershed.
Assisting the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources with water testing.
Participating in community events, including Algoma Night Out, Algoma First Friday Art and Algoma World Migratory Bird Day Celebration.
Co-presenting the yearly Soar on the Shore family-friendly kite event and beach party celebration held at Crescent Beach in collaboration with the Algoma Area Chamber of Commerce.
this is
Friends of Crescent Beach (FOCB) formed as a watershed partner of the Lakeshore Natural Resource Partnership (LNRP) in May of 2015 in response to citizen concerns. Those concerns included: storm drain outfalls emptying directly onto the beach; accumulations of algae; invasive plants; loafing birds; and litter. After conducting strategic planning sessions with community leaders and other stakeholders, an all-volunteer steering committee was formed to lead the organization. FOCB advocates, educates, activates and celebrates in support of Crescent Beach, acknowledging the stewardship responsibility associated with being a Lake Michigan coastal community.
Advocacy: FOCB actively engages in advocacy efforts addressing issues impacting Crescent Beach, Lake Michigan, and the Ahnapee River watershed. This includes communication with local, state, and federal officials, participation in legislative events, and involvement in planning committees for local projects.
Education: FOCB conducts educational programs by hosting environmental experts and government officials, participating in local events, and engaging with students from the Algoma School District. The organization aims to foster environmental awareness, especially among the younger generation.
Activities: FOCB organizes and supports volunteer cleanup projects, involving both adults and students. The organization collaborates with the community to address environmental issues, including stormwater runoff, and supports initiatives such as an Adopt-Your-Storm Drain program.
Donations: FOCB contributes funds and resources to support the maintenance and improvement of Crescent Beach and Boardwalk. Donations include support for Eagle Scout projects, trash/recycle bins, beach cleaning equipment, bike racks and infrastructure improvements.
Celebration: FOCB, in partnership with the Algoma Area Chamber of Commerce, organizes the annual "Soar on the Shore" kite fly and beach party event. This event attracts thousands of people, promotes the beach, and benefits local businesses. Periodically, FOCB organizes other community activities to promote the enjoyment of the beach.
Restoration: FOCB actively participates in restoration projects for Crescent Beach, working to stabilize the shoreline, control invasive species, and restore a diverse natural dune habitat. This ongoing effort involves community volunteers and contributes to the City of Algoma's environmental goals.
Fundraising: To support its various activities, FOCB engages in fundraising efforts, including grant applications, merchandise sales and sponsorships.
FOCB is grateful for the support received from the City of Algoma, local organizations, and community members, whose contributions significantly contribute to our success. Our work is a collaborative endeavor dedicated to preserving and enhancing the environmental and recreational value of Crescent Beach.
“Our ability to perceive quality in nature begins, as in art, with the pretty. It expands through successive stages of the beautiful to values as yet uncaptured by language.” — Aldo Leopold
Lake michigan and crescent beach is
Our Inspiration
The Great Lakes form the largest fresh surface water system on earth. They cover more than 94,000 square miles and hold about one-fifth of the world's fresh surface water supply. The Great Lakes ecosystem greatly affects our way of life, as well as all aspects of the natural environment, from weather and climate, to wildlife and habitat. Yet for all their size and power, the Great Lakes are fragile. In the past, this fragile nature wasn't recognized, and the lakes were mistreated, placing the ecosystem under significant stress. Today, we understand that it will take our collective efforts to wisely manage and preserve the Great Lakes. Those of us who live on the shore of Lake Michigan have a special responsibility to care for our part of the Great Lakes ecosystem. On a lake where so many live, work and play, we have an obligation to keep our Lake Michigan beach and its watershed clean. By taking responsibility now, we preserve our way of life and support Great Lakes health for generations to come.
Northeast Lakeshore Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)
A framework for water quality improvement. The Wisconsin DNR, together with many partners throughout the basins, are working to improve surface water quality of tributaries, streams, rivers and lakes within the Northeast Lakeshore (NEL) TMDL basins. The NEL TMDL is focused on addressing surface water quality impairments from phosphorus and total suspended solids. The Ahnapee River is part of this study.
Sea Grant University of Wisconsin
The mission of Wisconsin Sea Grant is to promote the sustainable use of Great Lakes resources through research, education and outreach. Provides access to print materials, podcasts and videos. Includes an ask the expert feature.
Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition
Their mission is to secure a sustainable Great Lakes restoration plan and the federal funding to implement it. A good place to find information on current topics of interest and government policy. Lakeshore Natural Resource Partnership is a member.
Alliance for the Great Lakes
The Alliance for the Great Lakes works to protect the Great Lakes by involving tens of thousands of people each year in advocacy, volunteering, education, and research to ensure the lakes are healthy and safe for all. A good place to find information on current topics of interest. Crescent Beach is part of their Adopt-a-Beach effort.
Center for Great Lakes Literacy
A collaborative effort led by Sea Grant educators throughout the Great Lakes watershed. The Center fosters informed and responsible decisions that advance basin-wide stewardship by proving hands-on experience, educational resources and networking opportunities that promote Great Lakes literacy among an engaged community of educators, scientists and citizens.
Lake Michigan Bird Observatory
The Lake Michigan Bird Observatory advances the conservation of birds in Wisconsin and throughout the Western Great Lakes Region through coordinated research, monitoring, and education. Their Neighborhood Habitat Improvement Project helpings Wisconsin Communities like ours be more Water-, Pollinator-, and Bird-Friendly.
River Alliance of Wisconsin
The River Alliance of Wisconsin works to empower people to protect and restore water in three ways: local watershed group support; lobbying for clean water protection laws; and leading a vision for better water protection systems.
friends of crescent beach steering committee
meet the committee members
The Friends of Crescent Beach Steering Committee includes three elected positions: coordinator; secretary; and treasurer. There are currently twelve committee members and two advisors to the committee. A Committee member represents FOCB on the LNRP Board of Directors. The Committee is governed by the Standing Rules of Friends of Crescent Beach and meets monthly from January through October. New volunteers are welcome!
SUE HASS | Treasurer
MIKE DOVICHI | Advisory Member
KEVIN NAZE | Advisory Member
we are a proud watershed partner of
Lakeshore Natural Resource Partnership
FOCB is a watershed partner of the Lakeshore Natural Resource Partnership (LNRP), the region’s leading environmental advocate for the waters of Lake Michigan. LNRP fosters stewardship and takes action to champion the environment through education and support for local community’s efforts to protect and enhance our greatest natural resources. LNRP builds partnerships and collaborations, provides funding and support, and promotes a forum for discussion and action. With LNRP support, FOCB advocates for a balance between land use and natural resource conservation and protection. For more about LNRP visit www.lnrp.org.
Photo, Copyright 2017, Josh Kohanek. Courtesy of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation