every penny goes towards our beach
your donation has power
Your donation will be applied to the following and more…
· Beach cleanup supplies.
· Beach restoration projects.
· Educational programming and materials.
· Projects, supplies and equipment to supplement the Parks and Recreation Department budget. Past purchases include: a utility wagon, bike racks, trash containers, beach alert flags, landscaping supplies and assistance and lamp post repairs.
· Special events such as Soar on the Shore.
preserve the beach
donate today
There are two ways to give:
Mail your contribution to Friends of Crescent Beach Post Office Box 344, Algoma, Wisconsin 54201
Please make the check payable to Friends of Crescent Beach.
Donate online by clicking the button above.
Thank you for your tax-deductible donation to Friends of Crescent Beach. Donors will receive a written or email confirmation of their gift.
Photo, Family on Beach. Copyright 2017, Josh Kohanek. Courtesy of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation