Volunteers of the Boardwalk
A project as incredible as a half mile boardwalk requires countless hours of volunteering throughout all stages - planning, funding, construction, promotion and finishing touches. This is by no means a complete list of volunteers but what we have been able to gather through research and interviews conducted to date. To include a name(s) please submit here with name and type of volunteer activity. All names will be gathered and added as time permits.
Community Committee
Volunteers from the St. John’s AAL Branch 194. Back Row: Mark Teske, Fred Waterstreet, Harold Zeitler, Dale Kirchman, John Zeitler, Ken Breitlow. Middle Row: Jeanette Zeitler, Betty Kirchman, Brenda Zeitler, Mary Breitlow. Front Row: Aaron Breitlow, Katie Teske, Carmon Breitlow. Photo courtesy Linda Teske.
Paula Levy - Chairperson
Joe Walag
Virginia Haske
Charles Balleine - City of Algoma Public Works
Leon Raether
Carol Wiese - Algoma Area Chamber of Commerce
Clif Harmann
James Polzin - Polzin and Associates, Planning
Will Postma - Construction Manager
Bruce Heidmann
Charles Balleine - City of Algoma, Public Works
Russ Stoller
Joe Walag
Julius Hafeman
Tom Levy
Jon Knipfer
Bob Blahnik, Algoma Lumber
Terry Magno
Mike Neuman
Gary Krzysiak
Mark Lebotte
Post TV Ball Team
St. John’s Lutheran Church
Aaron Brietlow
Dale Kirchman
Harold Zeitler
Fred Waterstreet
Mark Teske
Ken Breitlow
John Zeitler
Greg Lohrey
Russ Stoller
Ann Knipfer
Grant Committee
Tom Romdenne - City of Algoma, City Clerk
Dave Bohn
Paula Levy
Ann Schmitz
Bonnie Kenny
Lee Haasch
Wayne Detjen
Gerald Jag Haegele
Friends of Crescent Beach is an all-volunteer organization working to research and compile information about the history of the boardwalk through interviews, newspaper clippings and records. If you have information you would like to add, please let us know by submitting through this link. We are collecting historical information, photographs, and personal stories of the boardwalk. If you would like to donate to preserving the boardwalk for another 25 years, please visit our donation page. All submissions become the property of Friends of Crescent Beach and are subject to editing for length, accuracy and clarity. Publication is at the sole discretion of Friends of Crescent Beach.